Shop Perennials


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Achillea millefolium - Yarrow

Sun – Full to Partial
Soil – Medium to dry

Size – to 1.5 ft
Bloom – White/Red. June to Sept.- Used medicinally by herbalists.

– Showy long lasting flowers.
– Drought tolerant & Deer resistant.

– Pollinator plant.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready late may 1st season

Ageratina altissima – White Snakeroot

Sun – Full sun to Part shade
Soil – Medium to wet
Size – 3 to 5 ft
Bloom – White. Sept to frost

– Shade tolerant plant.
– Woodland or water edge restoration.

– Considered poisonous.
– Pollinator plant.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready anytime 2nd season

Agastashe foeniculum – Anise Hyssop

Sun – Full to Partial
Soil – Medium to Med-dry

Size – 3 ft
Bloom – Purple, June to Sept.

– Sturdy upright – fragrant licorice.
– Showy long lasting purple flowers

– Drought tolerant & Deer resistant.
– Pollinator plant.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready anytime 2nd season

Andropogon gerardii – Big Bluestem

Sun – Full
Soil Moisture – Medium-wet to dry
Size – 7 ft
Bloom – Purplish-red seed head.
July to Sept.

–  Tall native grass.
–  Great fall colour and winter interest.
– Drought tolerant & Deer resistant.

– Pollinator plant.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready anytime 2nd season

Asclepias incarnata – Swamp Milkweed

Sun – Full to Partial
Soil – Wet to Medium-Wet, Medium

Size – 4 ft
Bloom – Pink. June to August.

– Showy fragrant pink flowers.
– Deer resistant.
– Pollinator plant.
– Host of monarch & Swallowtail.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready anytime 2nd season

Asclepias tuberosa – Butterfly Milkweed

Sun – Full to Partial
Soil Moisture – Medium to dry

Size – 2 ft
Bloom – Orange. June to August.

– Low mounded plant.
– Drought tolerant – deep roots.
– Bright orange flowers.
– Pollinator plant, monarch larval host.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready anytime 2nd season

Aquilegia canadensis – Wild Columbine

Sun – Full to Partial
Soil Moisture – Medium to dry

Size – 2 ft
Bloom – Red. April to June


– Spring pollinator.
– Drought tolerant & Deer resistant.

– Shade tolerant.
– Showy red to yellow flowers.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready late may 1st season

Baptisia – False Indigo

Sun – Full sun to part shade
Soil – dry to medium

Size – 3 to 4 ft
Bloom – Indigo blue. May to June

– Spring pollinator.
– Drought tolerant.
– Showy blue flowers.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready late may 1st season

Coreopsis lanceolata – Lance-leaved Coreopsis

Sun – Full
Soil Moisture – Medium to dry

Size – 2 ft
Bloom – Yellow. May to August.

– Late spring early summer pollinator.
– Drought tolerant & Deer resistant.
– Cut back spent flowers to rebloom.

– Showy yellow daisy-like flowers.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready anytime 2nd season

Sold out - Desmodium canadense- Showy Tick Trefoil

Sun – Full to Partial
Soil  – Medium-wet to dry

Size – 3 ft
Bloom – pink, rose. July and August

– Erect, bushy
– Bean Family – fixes nitrogen in soil.

– Showy pink flowers for 3 weeks.
– Pollinator plant – attracts birds.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready anytime 2nd season

Echinacea pallida Pale Purple Coneflower

Sun – Full to Partial
Soil – Medium to dry

Size – 3 ft
Bloom – June to Sept.

– Early summer blooms.
– Medicinal.
– Pollinator plant.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready anytime 2nd season

Echinacea Purpurea – Purple Coneflower

Sun – Full to Partial
Soil – Dry to Medium
Size – 4 ft
Bloom – Purple. July to September.

– Sturdy upright.
– Showy long lasting purple flowers.

– Drought tolerant & Deer resistant.
– Pollinator plant.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready late may 1st season

Sold out - Eutrochium maculatum – Joe Pye Weed

Sun – Full to Partial
Soil – Wet to medium

Size – 5 ft
Bloom – Pink. July to September.

– Tall upright.
– Showy long lasting purple flowers.

– Self seeds easily.
– Pollinator plant.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready late may 1st season

Sold out - Filipendula rubra, Queen of the Prairie

Sun – Full sun to Part shade
Soil – Medium to wet

Size–5to8 ft
Bloom – Pale Pink. June to August.


– Big plant attractive foliage.
– Very showy purple flowers.
– Deer tolerant.
– Pollinator plant.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready late may 1st season

Helianthus strumosus _Pale Sunflower

Sun – Full to partial
Soil – Medium-wet to medium-dry

Size – 3 ft
Bloom – Yellow. July to Oct.


– Spreads through rhizomes.
– Showy yellow sunflower like flowers.

– Deer tolerant.
– Pollinator plant.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready anytime 2nd season

Heliopsis helianthoides - Smooth Oxeye (False Sunflower)

Sun – Full to partial
Soil – Medium-wet to medium-dry

Size – 5 ft
Bloom – Yellow. June to Sept.

– Showy yellow sunflower like flowers.
– Deer tolerant.
– Pollinator plant.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready anytime 2nd season

Hypericum perforatum Common St. John wart

Sun – Full sun to part shade
Soil Moisture – Medium
Size – 1 to 3 ft
Bloom – Yellow. June to Aug.

– Many branched upright perennial.
– Showy yellow flowers.
– Used by herbalists in medicinal remedies. – Pollinator plant.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready anytime 2nd season

Liatris spicata – Dense Blazing Star

Sun – Full to partial
Soil – wet to Medium

Size – 5 ft
Bloom – Purple. July to Sept


– Showy spiky purple flowers.
– Great landscape plant.
– Drought tolerant.
– Pollinator plant.

– Attracts birds.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready anytime 2nd season

Monarda fistulosa – Wild Bergamot

Sun – Full to partial
Soil – Moist to dry

Size – 4 ft
Bloom – Lavender. July to Sept

– Showy purple flowers.
– Used to make soothing tea.
– Drought tolerant and deer tolerant.
– Pollinator plant.

– Attracts hummingbirds.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready anytime 2nd season

Monarda Didyma – Bee Balm

Sun – Full to partial
Soil – Medium to wet

Size–2 to4ft
Bloom – Red. July to Aug.

– Showy red flowers.
– used to make soothing tea.
– Drought tolerant and deer tolerant.
– Pollinator plant.

– Attracts hummingbirds.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready late may 1st season

Oenothera biennis – Evening Primrose

Sun – Full to partial
Soil  – Medium-wet to dry

Size – to 6 ft
Bloom – Yellow. June to Oct.

– Late blooming Biennial.
– Self seeds.
– Drought tolerant.
– Pollinator plant.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready anytime 2nd season

Penstemon digitalis Fox Glove Beardtongue

Sun – Full to partial
Soil – Medium to medium-dry

Size – to 4 ft
Bloom – White. June to July

– Clump forming perennial.
– Showy white flowers.
– Drought tolerant and deer tolerant.
– Pollinator plant.

– Attracts hummingbirds.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready anytime 2nd season

Porteranthus trifoliatus – Bowman’s Root

Sun – Full sun to part shade
Soil Moisture – Medium
Size – 3 ft
Bloom – White. May to July

– Upright clump forming bushy perennial.
– Showy white five-petaled flowers.
– Drought tolerant and deer tolerant.
– Pollinator plant.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready anytime 2nd season

Pycnanthemum pilosum- Hairy Mountain Mint

Sun – Full sun to part shade
Soil Moisture – Medium
Size – 3 ft
Bloom – White. May to July

– Clump forming perennial.
– Rhizome spread.
– Showy white flowers.
– Drought tolerant and deer tolerant.
– Pollinator plant.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready late may 1st season

Sold out -Rudbeckia fulgida – Basket of gold

Sun – Full sun
Soil Moisture – Medium to dry

Size – 3 ft
Bloom – Yellow. July to Oct

– Upright, rhizomatous, clump forming.
– Showy Yellow flowers.
– Drought tolerant and deer tolerant.
– Pollinator plant.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready late may 1st season

Rudbeckia hirta – Black-eyed Susan

Sun – Full to partial
Soil Moisture – Medium to dry

Size – 3 ft
Bloom – Yellow. June to Oct

– Prairie biennial.
– reseeds.
– Showy Yellow flowers.
– Drought tolerant and deer tolerant.

– Pollinator plant.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready anytime 2nd season

Sold out - Rudbeckia laciniata- Greenheaded Coneflower

Sun – Full sun to shade
Soil – Medium-wet to medium

Size – 7 ft
Bloom – Yellow. July to Oct.

– Tall rhizomatous woodland shade.
– Showy Yellow flowers.
– Deer tolerant.
– Pollinator plant.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready anytime 2nd season

Sold out -Sisyrinchium angustifolium Stout Blue-eyed Grass

Sun – Full to Partial
Soil – Medium-wet to medium-dry

Size – 6 inches
Bloom – Blue. May, June

– Showy blue-violet flower w/yellow centres.
– Late spring flowers.
– Small grass like perennial.
– Pollinator plant.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready late may 1st season

Solidago flexicaulus – Zig-zag Goldenrod

Sun – Full sun to part shade
Soil Moisture – Medium
Size – 3 ft
Bloom – Yellow. July to Sept

– Woodland species likes dappled shade.
– Showy Yellow flowers.
– Deer tolerant.
– Pollinator plant.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready anytime 2nd season

Sorghastrum nutans – Indian Grass

Sun – Full to Partial
Soil – Medium to Dry
Size – 6 ft
Bloom – Grass Plume, Aug, Sept to Feb

– Sturdy upright.
– Great fall colour and winter interest.
– Attracts birds.
– Spreads by rhizomes.

– Large gardens.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready anytime 2nd season

Symphyotrichum novae-angliae - New England Aster

Sun – Full to Partial
Soil – Medium-wet to Medium-dry

Size – 5 ft
Bloom – Purple w/ yellow centre. Aug to Sept.

– Sturdy upright.
– Showy late season purple flowers.

– Pollinator plant.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready anytime 2nd season

Symphyotrichum laeve Smooth Aster

Sun – Full to Partial shade
Soil – Medium to dry
Size – 4 ft
Bloom – Blue. Aug to Oct.

– Tall standing, open dry woods.
– Showy late season blue flowers.

– Pollinator plant.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready anytime 2nd season

Symphyotrichum macrophyllus Big Leaf Aster

Sun – Partial shade to Shade
Soil Moisture – Medium to dry
Size – 1 ft
Bloom – White. Aug to Oct.

– Large leaves shades ground.
– Can form dense ground.
– Woodland plant spreads by rhizomes.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready anytime 2nd season


Symphyotrichum urophyllus Arrow-leaved Aster

Sun – Full to Partial
Soil – Medium to Medium-dry, dry

Size – 3 ft
Bloom – June to Sept.

– Sturdy upright.
– Showy long lasting purple flowers.

– Drought tolerant & Deer resistant.
– Pollinator plant.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready anytime 2nd season

Verbena Stricta – Hoary Vervain

Sun – Full to Partial
Soil – Medium-dry to dry

Size – 2 ft
Bloom – Blue. June to Sept.

– Short lived perennial.
– Self seeds.
– Use for naturalizing.
– Drought tolerant

– Pollinator plant.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready anytime 2nd season

Vernonia gigantea – Giant Ironweed

Sun – Full to Partial
Soil – Medium to wet

Size – 5 ft
Bloom – . Purple. Aug to Oct.

– Showy bright magenta flowers.
– Fall flower.
-Use for naturalizing, rhizomes spread.

– Pollinator plant.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready anytime 2nd season

Sold out - Veronicastrum virginicum – Culvers Root

Sun – Full to Partial
Soil – Medium-wet to medium-dry

Size – 5 ft
Bloom – White. June to Aug.

– Strong upright prairie/savannah plant.
– Spiky white flowers.
– Deer tolerant.
– Pollinator plant.

$6 – 4inch pot Ready anytime 2nd season